Assessment Information
Assessment is used to inform future planning and provides teachers with the information they need to support the children's learning and ensure that they are making progress.
Summative Assessment
Summative assessments are held throughout the year in regular intervals to provide teachers with up to date information that can be used to analyse the performance of children, their progress and the quality of teaching in the classroom.
Pupils at Manor Farm Junior School undertake different assessment papers from a range of sources so that school leaders are ensured of the validity and use of the data provided. Each term children across the school will undertake the following papers to assess their achievements and track their progress:
PIXL Assessments
These are written by PIXL and shared with schools within their subscription. The data provided from these assessments matches age related expectations and is used as comparative between all schools using a question by question analysis.
White Rose Maths Assessments
At Manor Farm Junior School we use the White Rose Maths end of term assessments to evaluate how well the children are perfoming based on their learning from the term. These consist of two papers: Arithmetic and Problem Solving in each year group. The style and approach of these papers is similar to the scheme of work and builds familiarity with SATs style papers.
NFER Reading Assessments
NFER (National Foundation for Educational Research) produce Reading assessment papers that can be used termly to track pupil performance. These assessment papers support teachers in benchmarking our pupils with other children nationally using standardised scores
Combined, the teachers will use these assessment to make their own judgements on the performance of the children each term. Pupils are provided an assessment level based on their classwork and tested assessments in Reading, Writing and Maths. These are known as teacher judgements.
Teacher Judgements
Working below (BLW) - Children who are not currently able to access age related expectations
Working towards (WTS) - Children who are meeting some or no age related expectations confidently but are accessing the curriculum.
Expected (EXS) - Children who are achieving age related expectations.
Working Above (GDS) - Children who are exceeding age related expectations of their year group.
Formative Assessments
Throughout the school day teachers make formative assessments in lessons to judge whether pupils are making progress within the lessons. High quality formative assessment can be conducted in a number of ways with children reflecting on their own progress and confidence within the lesson.
Formative assessment is used to inform future teaching - teachers will use the Assessment for Learning policy to support their understanding of how well pupils are achieving.