Pupil Premium
All schools receive additional funding for children who are entitled to free school meals and for families in the armed forces.
This additional funding is called the “Pupil Premium” and is provided for any child who has been entitled to free school meals at any point within the last 6 years. The money is provided to support schools in enabling all pupils to reach their full potential, both academically and to enhance the child’s social and emotional well-being.
At Manor Farm we treat the allocation of Pupil Premium with the strictest of confidence. We use all our resources to ensure that every child at Manor Farm has an equal opportunity to become an empowered learner and we believe that everyone can succeed and reach their full potential.
We work with our families and colleagues to make sure that everyone involved with all of our children has the highest of aspirations.
If you think you might be eligible for free school meals and therefore Pupil Premium funding, please speak in confidence to Mr Compton, Mrs Stewart or Mrs Street in the school office.
How much money has the school received?
School Year | Total Number of Children in School (on 7th September for each year) | Number of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium Funding | Amount of Funding Received per PP Pupil | Total Amount of Pupil Premium Funding Received |
2023-2024 | 225 | 35 | £1385 | £48,829 |
2022-2023 | 232 | 30 | £1385 | £41,550 |
2021-2022 | 233 | 32 | £1320 | £42,240 |
How do we use our Pupil Premium Funding?
Pupil Premium funding is used to help children achieve their full potential both within the curriculum, for example in their reading, writing and maths, but also for building character outside of the curriculum, for example, confidence and team-working skills. The school decides how to spend the money based on what we believe will have the most significant impact.
We are currently using Pupil Premium funding to:
- Provide morning focus intervention groups to support those in need, as appropriate.
- Provide training for support staff so that they are always facilitating outstanding learning for the children they work with.
- Support pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding to attend school trips, after school club sessions, out of hours learning clubs, music and sport tuition where appropriate to help build character and improve learning.
- Provide high quality learning opportunities for all.
- Provide intervention resources to enable identification of individual focus areas for development and to address these specific areas.
- Have a Family Support Worker to liaise with the children, their families and wider services locally.
We are keen to work with the parents and carers of our Pupil Premium pupils so that parents / carers have a greater understanding of how to support their children’s learning at home.
What results have we seen?
The school and governors review data every term to ensure that any Pupil Premium funding spent has a direct impact on improving the attainment and / or progress made by our Pupil Premium Pupils. We have seen some good improvements in attainment and progress for Pupil Premium Pupils recently. We will continue to work hard to ensure that this improvement continues.
We track the pupils who are currently in school every term and ensure that appropriate support is put in place where necessary. Please see the Pupil premium Strategy Statement below for further details.