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Manor Farm Junior School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Home learning information

Learning at Home is anything that children do outside the normal school day that contributes to their learning in response to guidance from the school. Learning at Home encompasses a whole variety of activities instigated by teachers and parents to support children’s learning. For example, a parent who spends time reading a story to their child before bedtime is helping with Learning at Home. 


Learning at Home should not impact on daily activities and opportunities for children outside of school e.g swimming lessons, engagement in sporting activities, music lessons or clubs such as Cubs or Brownies. All these activities provide excellent opportunities for growth, development and learning in alternative ways, extending the opportunities provided through school. 


Set Learning at Home is not a statutory requirement for all schools and our school policy (lined below) has been written in accordance with the guidance provided by the Department for Education. Any learning sent home should enhance understanding, knowledge and skills the children have developed in the school and be purposeful towards this aim.


The aims and objectives of our  Learning at Home policy are:

  • to enable pupils to make maximum progress in their academic and social development
  • to help pupils develop the skills of an independent learner
  • to develop cultural capital
  • to understand that learning can take place in many ways
  • to promote a partnership between home and school in supporting each child’s learning
  • to promote learning opportunities that support good mental and physical health
  • to enable all aspects of the curriculum to be delivered in a variety of methods
  • to provide educational and learning experiences not possible in school
  • to consolidate and reinforce learning in school and to allow children to practise skills taught in lessons
  • to help children develop good work habits for the future
  • To allow pupils time to revisit learning through less formal structures e.g. enjoyment of subjects in their free time amongst families and people at home
  • To consider how ways of working and styles of learning can be organised in alternative methods


Learning at home can be promoted in a variety of forms. Some suggested forms include:

  • Project based learning provided half termly, linked to topical themes from the half term ahead (Pre-learning sheets)
  • Daily Reading at home 
  • Learning times tables and completing activities on Google Classroom
  • Maths worksheets linked to the current topic to provide further practise through a variety of examples (on Google Classroom)
  • Punctuation and Grammar worksheets provided half termly based on in school coverage on Google Classroom
  • Spelling patterns being learnt that half term on Google Classroom


