School Information
The School day:
8.35 am School gates open - children go to the playground
8.45 am School gates closed - teachers take children to class
8.55 am Registration
9.00 am Lesson 1 – Reading (inc phonics) , Writing or Maths
10.00 am Lesson 2 – Reading (inc phonics) , Writing or Maths
10.45 am Break time for LKS2
11.00 am Break time for UKS2
11/11.15 am Lesson 3 – Reading (inc phonics) , Writing or Maths
12.00 pm Lunchtime
12.55 pm Registration
1.00 pm Lesson 4 - Foundation subjects*
2.00 pm Lesson 5 - Foundation subjects*
2.50 pm Assembly/PSHE
3.20 pm School gates open - children collected to go home
* Foundation subjects include: Science, Art Computing, DT, Geography, History, MFL, Music, PE, PSHE, RE.
* From September 2023, Forest School will run on a half termly basis for each Year Group. Sessions will run in the morning and afternoon.
Total Time
The school week equates to 32.5 hours per week. Our compulsory school times are 8:50 am to 3:20 pm.